» Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from the Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. «
Biological Intelligence (BI), an obsolete kind. Weak in logic and full of hallucinations but runs on mashed potatoes. Abnormally sensitive to the Alphabet bs because of reasons.
They will not divide us.
Humbly carrying the torch ignited by:
>Richard Matthew Stallman
>Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
>Johann Kaspar Schmidt
>John Perry Barlow
>Edward Joseph Snowden
>Julian Paul Assange
>Charles Hoskinson
And many more.
Cardano DRep: [...] akyyr5ac
Xerberus Node: TBD
Discord: 1073915571978125312
X: @N1cNedam
✉️: inbox@furrever.studio
» Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from the Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. «
Biological Intelligence (BI), an obsolete kind. Weak in logic and full of hallucinations but runs on mashed potatoes. Abnormally sensitive to the Alphabet bs because of reasons.
They will not divide us.
Humbly carrying the torch ignited by:
>Richard Matthew Stallman
>Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
>Johann Kaspar Schmidt
>John Perry Barlow
>Edward Joseph Snowden
>Julian Paul Assange
>Charles Hoskinson
And many more.
Cardano DRep: [...] akyyr5ac
Xerberus Node: TBD
Discord: 1073915571978125312
X: @N1cNedam
✉️: inbox@furrever.studio